January 11, 2009

"The Winter of Hebrew", Or "You Are Now Entering The Wilderness For Forty Years", or "Feel The Pain As My Lamed-Heh Weak Verb Ruins Your Life!"

So, this past week I've completed a month of Intermediate Hebrew in four days. Talk about a brain overload. Seriously, I have dreams about Pe-Nun verbs and where to put my dagesh fortes. It's taking over my life, and I'm not sure if I like it. It has gotten to the point where I can't think of anything else to post about besides the Hebrew language. Sad. 

The high point of my studies occurred approximately forty-five minutes ago when I came across yet another vocabulary word to write down on yet another flashcard. When I sounded this one out, I knew immediately that I had seen it before and heard it mentioned in many sermons - I knew the definition before I even had to look at the page. Hesed = faithfulness/steadfast love/devotion/lovingkindness. What a word! That word brought me encouragement and helped me take heart. While I may struggle in Hebrew II for good marks, I know that God's lovingkindness has saved me from much worse troubles and certain doom. 

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