January 28, 2009

This Life.

I can't believe heaven is going to be even better than this life. I find myself rejoicing more and more about God's careful restoration of his Creation. This life is such a blessing to be a part of, and to know that heaven is going to be the fullest realization of life as it was went to be is very hard to conceptualize, especially when you begin to fail to keep track of your blessings, because you can't count that high. We are showered with love and beauty each day, as Creation screams of a Designer who is intimately interested in what He has made. We are exposed to the incomprehensible intricacy of human life every day when we talk to other people, whose lives have been carefully shaped to bless, teach, and experience the most wonderful event of being alive. The Church, with the love of God birthed in her chest, will never cease to amaze me. The story of redemption will always fascinate me and bring me such hope and joy. 

The beauty of this life is incomparable with the life to come. And that is what blows my mind. Because this life is so beautiful.

January 11, 2009

"The Winter of Hebrew", Or "You Are Now Entering The Wilderness For Forty Years", or "Feel The Pain As My Lamed-Heh Weak Verb Ruins Your Life!"

So, this past week I've completed a month of Intermediate Hebrew in four days. Talk about a brain overload. Seriously, I have dreams about Pe-Nun verbs and where to put my dagesh fortes. It's taking over my life, and I'm not sure if I like it. It has gotten to the point where I can't think of anything else to post about besides the Hebrew language. Sad. 

The high point of my studies occurred approximately forty-five minutes ago when I came across yet another vocabulary word to write down on yet another flashcard. When I sounded this one out, I knew immediately that I had seen it before and heard it mentioned in many sermons - I knew the definition before I even had to look at the page. Hesed = faithfulness/steadfast love/devotion/lovingkindness. What a word! That word brought me encouragement and helped me take heart. While I may struggle in Hebrew II for good marks, I know that God's lovingkindness has saved me from much worse troubles and certain doom.