September 29, 2007

God's Faithfulness.

The Lord is so faithful to me. He is so good. I am constantly reminded of His goodness in everything that I experience - even the bad. And that brings me such encouragement and joy, that I cannot help be full of joy all the time! His love is so deep, and faithfulness so vast - I am truly blessed in knowing Him. And I only hope that my life can reflect my gratitude for his lavished love, goodness and faithfulness to me.

September 19, 2007


If God is for us, who can be against us?

September 17, 2007

From Meteora

This is an excerpt from my journal when I visited Meteora, Greece this past summer.

"Yesterday, at the monastery, there was a mural...depicting the thief on the cross that believed in Christ. He was leading all the other saints into heaven. What an interesting depiction. 'For the first shall be last, and the last shall be first.' I remembered the the thief's prayer on the cross: 'Jesus, remember me, when You come into Your Kingdom.' There is an earnestness in that prayer that the criminal spoke. He was literally put to death for his sins, yet by looking to Christ, he received redemption and heaven itself. And that is the story of every Christian. That is amazing." 5/27/07 [11:40am]

How deep the Father's love for us,
How vast beyond all measure,
That He would give His only Son,
And make a wretch His treasure.

September 12, 2007

Oxford, England

I found this post from another webpage(which I wrote while abroad). I do not know if I still agree with all that I've said, It's been a little over a month since writing this. (Wow, it is crazy to think that I was in Europe that recently.) However, I believe there is still some insight to be gained from reading these perceptions.

Oxford, England
Jul 16, 2007
Today is Monday. Today I have spent 75% of my waking hours researching the authority if the Roman Catholic Church and Papacy during the years 1000 CE - 1215 CE. The research is for a paper (one of five) that is due on Thursday. My Tutor, Rowena Archer, is an expert in Medieval History.

It is very special to be at Trinity College here in Oxford. I always had wanted to study at Oxford University since I was a child. And now, the Lord has graciously supplied this wonderful opportunity! Amazing. Difficult, challenging, intense, but a wonderful time nonetheless.

The students that I am studying and interacting with on a daily basis are from the University of Georgia. It is a constant learning experience here, socially as well as academically. The guys and girls here are just very open and live life (as far as I can discern) without manipulating it to conform to what others expect of them. Peer pressure (well, so far) is non-existent. Everyone is independent. I find it such a shame that at Grove City College so many kids either feign a lifestyle they do not believe in, or embrace the "rebellious side" - which even the unbelieving and lost students here would be turned off by. Not because it would be "too crazy," but because the "rebellious side" wouldn't be that rebellious at all.

I guess what I am trying to say is that, for the majority, kids here aren't attention-starved. And I feel that attention is one of the main motives for choosing a lifestyle / persona at GCC. Man, that is messed up.

September 9, 2007


oh to grace how great a debtor,
daily i'm constrained to be.

September 6, 2007

Martin Luther

Thesis 1 of Luther's 95 Theses:

When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, "Repent," He willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance.

September 5, 2007

The Pleasure of Heaven

Prudence: "Why wouldest thou go to Heaven?"

Samuel: "That I may see God and serve Him without weariness; that I may see Christ, and love Him everlastingly; that I may have that fullness of the Holy Spirit in me, that I can by no means here enjoy."

September 4, 2007


God. is. love.