October 13, 2008

What is man, that You are mindful of him?

I am quite overwhelmed by several things.

1. The depth and spread and reach of God's love and mercy and grace and care and tenderness and faithfulness and intervention and Providence. There is nothing they cannot reach, there is nothing that can hide itself from them. And I rejoice in this.

2. The depth and spread and reach of God's love and mercy and grace and care and tenderness and faithfulness and intervention and Providence, in spite of my wayward heart and the slow pace I seem to be holding in sanctification. His patience blows my mind. His faithfulness, even more so.

3. How people can mistake the creature for the Creator. How even fellow Christians mistake the work of the Creator for the work of the creature. There is only One who can work goodness and love in us. There is only One who can fix the mess that we are born into and live in. There is only One who can say to me, You are justified in Christ, now walk in Him. There is only One who can put His exquisite and unique and satisfying love into a heart that has never known anything like it. 

4. How all of Creation shouts and proclaims the beauty of the Creator. And how magnificent common grace is - Who could have even thought of blessing all, both righteous and unrighteous, but a God whose character is that of love and grace and kindness? Who would have ever thought that Someone would care so much for what He has made - to the extent that He would sacrifice Himself! to salvage the good work of His hand, that had intentionally ship-wrecked itself for the selfish pleasure of it? But God who is rich in mercy...

...how can this not be overwhelming?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yesterday one of my students said that the God of election, "seems so... unappealing, cold, stale, and stagnant... Yeah it is good for me that God would save me, but where is the appeal in a God who chooses some, and not others?"

I never thought about it before... I was shocked, for I know in my own being how much I enjoy this truth that someone would say this, let alone think it. We have an awesome God who takes off our blind fold, gives us heart surgery, and then presents himself to us. All we do is act upon our new heart, our new nature, and pursue him for all he is worth. That is a beautiful picture.... overwhelming to be sure.

How is it not? Well put man where Jesus Christ should be. So ditto on #3.